Monday, April 28, 2008

Snap Shots of Posts

Old Man on a Bicycle ~ By Rashmi

Kindness acts are a great excuse to believe in ourselves and our world.

Once I had been invited for the lunch at one of my relative’s house. My aunty gave me the address and told me to come to her house for the meal, until I got settled into the new city. In trying to get to her house, I got lost and was desperately looking for help on the lonely roads for more than half an hour.
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Sunglasses in the Custodian Closet ~ By Aurelia

I'm new to the Smile Cards, but here's my first experience with the cards.
I work in a school and after all the kids are gone for the day a sweet young lady Claire comes in to clean the school classrooms and offices. I'm there late once a week and I often chat for a few minutes with her.

She always makes me feel so good because she's not full of herself and instead she wants to hear about me or will talk about her children. Our conversations are always great.

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Semi; My Son
It was a few years ago that I witnessed something remarkable, a lesson from life in which my child was the teacher. My son Justin is a unique young man, and as a mother I always knew this. When Justin was born he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his little neck. At the time we didn't realize just exactly how that affected him, but over the years watching him reach his developmental milestones achingly slow, we realized that his birth did in fact alter his life's destin

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The Joys of Being a Waitress By Babygirl

As a waitress you meet and see all types of people. I guess you could call it the melting pot of the highway because the food connects us all.
I was about to end my shift one afternoon when a group of people came in. As they sat down, they explained that they were trying to make it home and just had enough to buy their children a small snack and that all they needed was water. So I showed them a few things on the menu and asked them what they would like.

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